For Sellers

Is it time to sell your investment property? Here is why you should consider Bos Group to handle the sale of your commercial real estate asset.


Our team will produce high-quality images to highlight your property.

Coordinated Outreach

We utilize multiple marketing platforms to reach out to our extensive database of over 10,000 investors and owners in the Greater Bay Area.

Digital Media

While print materials help, utilizing digital platforms allow us to reach even more potential buyers. We do this by putting your listing on CoStar, Loopnet, MLS, Facebook, LinkedIn, and our website.

Direct Mail Marketing

This highly-targeted marketing is used on all listings and a very effective method to reach investors who do not have a presence on digital platforms. We send out over 10,000 potential leads.

Print Materials

We provide the highest quality for print material which includes brochures and offering memorandums that outline a clear picture of your property’s financials and investor potential.

Direct Investor Outreach

Phone calls will be made to investors and owners in the East Bay who we have built relationships with. These calls also are made to owners with similar properties and those adjacent to your building. This direct outreach will provide a personal touch that proves successful.


Bos Group will fight tooth and nail to ensure the highest price and best terms are met for their clients. We are devoted to educating you along the way to reach a successful sale of your investment-grade real estate property.

Let’s Work Together

Let’s work together! Fill out the contact form below and we’ll be in touch with you!